

One more classic game has been added to Oca's bronze collection. Permainan, also known as Surakarta, is a unique game from Indonesia that will force you to think outside the box.


There's more to Brasilia than politics and architecture! At Orgutal, you can play and buy games from all across the globe including, of course, the games by Ocastudios.

glamour updated

Our fashion game, now in a new outfit. Glamour has reached version 1.0.1, with beautiful new dresses, bigger cards and nicer pins. The same game - just cuter!

on twitter

We tweet! If you want a heads up on new games, tournaments, events and whatnot, follow us. All tweets are in English, and although our Facebook page does not commit to a single language, feel welcome to visit it, too.

dou shou qi

The forest has gone wild! The Jungle Game, a classic from china that has won the hearts of many generations has been added to Oca's collection. Check it out at Bronze Games » Classics » Dou Shou Qi.


We have a new bronze classic game. Access "Bronze games"»"classic"»"poker" and download the most popular card game ever.


Attack the Tower is now available at Naboo Espaço Geek, the newest and geekiest geek shop in Brasília. When in town, don't miss the opportunity to check out amazing comics, action figures and nerdy collectibles.

new armies

A new generation of Attack the Tower is about to make your gaming experience even more exciting. Prepare to face the chaotic Bandits, the disciplined Orientals, the merciless Robots and the sneaky Southerners.

at Kingdom Comics

Attack the Tower is now at Kingdom Comics, the best comic book store in town. There you can buy the coolest t-shirts, action figures, the best comic books and now Oca Studios tabletop games.

We have a blog!

Hi folks! There's quite a time since we started rebuilding our website. We've been working hard in order to launch our games as gold edition. Because of that we kinda gave fewer attention to te site. Sorry about that. Let's fix it already. Our blog is now officially launched. Get ready for some regular news from now on.